Thursday, May 23, 2013

Messy post

BeijingLonova PC factory -  (sorry no cameras allowed we were VIP)Okay so here's the deal, in my life have never once sat in a presentation that I was slightly interested in or made me think holy moly that speaker was meant for that position. Well at Lenova we had a young lady by the name of Anna who was off the charts dedicated to her job and company. She really showed me that the biggest strength in marketing was having a passion for the product you work for. Anna had an incredible personality and what was so interesting that it was by far the best business presentation I have ever been to. But here's the kicker she was wearing jeans a T-shirt and wait for it... Zebra high top reeboks. Even though Anna had no business look she truly represented the perfect business woman.I am so impressed by how cheap everything is here in China. It is funny because when you walk into a store for clothes or something all the numbers you see are big huge numbers at first it threw me off then I realized I just had to divide by six to equal it to our US dollar and then I thought let the games begin!McDonald's is becoming my best friend, a Big Mac here is well ten times tastier the the ones in the US.The night life, you only live once and who knows even though of love to return to this city there is no guarantee I will so what is a girl supposed to do? Not just sit in her room and wait it out. A group of friends went out and explored a little and practiced our taxi skills. Great Wall- There is a reason people here stay so skinny! That would be because they walk the Great Wall of China and let me tell you that "you feel the burn." At the beginning of the day we were asked which we would rather do a 2 mile hike up or a 5 mile walk. Of course we all wanted to be big and bad and walk the five mile because this was a once in a lifetime opportunity and well we thought we were tough enough to handle The Great Wall... I think it should be called the Great Climb to be more specific. Within in the first 3 minutes of walking our calves were already burning and we has lost any breath we had. I truly think there should be a Great Wall training course on a treadmill because it was rough. Our group made it to the top and enjoyed every minute of the view and I can't believe how much work went into that wall. It was so nest to reflect on the fact that they had no technology and they truly built that wall to. Protect their people.Forbidden City- My favorite Disney movie is Mulan and once I arrived at the forbidden city I thought to myself that my whole life has been a lie because that movie doesn't even grasp how big the the Forbidden City actually is. The forbidden city is absolutely gorgeous and nothing short of impressive of the architecture and artwork gone into every single detail of these places. At the forbidden city my favorite part was the gorgeous garden that was within the walls of the city and it contained the only trees within that area. GORGEOU

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