Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Us Americans and Our Dirty Hair

Funny funny story I have for you today! Okay soo.. Since being away in China and South Korea I have been having to do laundry a lot more regular then I have ever had to do before. Ya know long trip limited bag space there's just only so much a girl can do. I know what your thinking why do I want to hear about this? Well let's just say it has nothing to do with my clothing rather than the detergent used for my clothes.

For the past few years my mom has switched our family from powdered detergent to liquid and then to the tide pods so yeah we are fashionably up to date on our detergent(; anyways so one evening a group of us took a trip to our local shady "coin wash" and did laundry. When I finished I just dropped my little tide box in my bag and didn't think twice about the potential mess.

The next morning was a doozy extremely busy with alot of extra wind in my hair and tangles galore. When we got back to Hotel Vision we were all going out to shop and I didn't have time to shower. So what does this girl do? Oh yes. She reaches in her bag and pulls out a ball cap only to find as I put on my cap that the hat had so convienently filled up with powdered detergent and fell straight on my hair and to the roots. As I said earlier I had no spare time so I stood over the shower and shook at my hair as well as I could.  A group of us went out to grab some donuts for the early night ahead of us and while out I decided to get my haircut. I walked into the salon and disregard any communication problem that potentially was there. I sat down and the man looked at my hair and started waving his hands and said no no no no cut! He saw the detergent in my hair and flipped out that I had some freak hair issue. Now, I promise anyone can check my hair and see it is very healthy. I left the salon with such disappoint and embarassement of that man waving his arms in disgust.

Today was really raining and it was really interesting to check out the Hyundai Factory and all that it had to offer to the community of Ulsan. It is really interesting how communities around Korea are based around such incredible industries. The Hyundai plant seemed to be very efficient and orderly in what it did. I found it really impressive that they said it takes on average a total of 5 hours to complete one Hyundai Elantra from start to finish, but for their premium elite car the equus it took 44 hours.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Warning lol

Sorry posts arent as pretty don't have much time to edit and stuff

Bathroom disaster at 2am

2a.m.bathroom breakoutImagine yourself sitting in your hotel neighbor's bedroom watching sponge bob waiting up to make sure everyone made it home from their evening adventures safely. Then right I'm the middle of hearing Patrick yell at spongebob in Chinese you hear a KNoCK and a THuD then a thump and a great big OH HECKKK NO!!! Lol as I stepped into my room I hear Mariah yelling I'm stuck. Lol yep that's right straight out of the shower with no clothes or towel she is trapped! Hehe I had not s clue what to do except to grab the guys and we went to town on the door. At some point we made the lights go off and well I think her scream could have waken up the dead. Lol in the process of breaking in we heard some metal hit the ground inside the bathroom and then Mariah in her Louisiana accent "uh dat ain't no good Rollin down der on the ground"- it was the door handle. We knocked it off. Oops. 

Messy post

BeijingLonova PC factory -  (sorry no cameras allowed we were VIP)Okay so here's the deal, in my life have never once sat in a presentation that I was slightly interested in or made me think holy moly that speaker was meant for that position. Well at Lenova we had a young lady by the name of Anna who was off the charts dedicated to her job and company. She really showed me that the biggest strength in marketing was having a passion for the product you work for. Anna had an incredible personality and what was so interesting that it was by far the best business presentation I have ever been to. But here's the kicker she was wearing jeans a T-shirt and wait for it... Zebra high top reeboks. Even though Anna had no business look she truly represented the perfect business woman.I am so impressed by how cheap everything is here in China. It is funny because when you walk into a store for clothes or something all the numbers you see are big huge numbers at first it threw me off then I realized I just had to divide by six to equal it to our US dollar and then I thought let the games begin!McDonald's is becoming my best friend, a Big Mac here is well ten times tastier the the ones in the US.The night life, you only live once and who knows even though of love to return to this city there is no guarantee I will so what is a girl supposed to do? Not just sit in her room and wait it out. A group of friends went out and explored a little and practiced our taxi skills. Great Wall- There is a reason people here stay so skinny! That would be because they walk the Great Wall of China and let me tell you that "you feel the burn." At the beginning of the day we were asked which we would rather do a 2 mile hike up or a 5 mile walk. Of course we all wanted to be big and bad and walk the five mile because this was a once in a lifetime opportunity and well we thought we were tough enough to handle The Great Wall... I think it should be called the Great Climb to be more specific. Within in the first 3 minutes of walking our calves were already burning and we has lost any breath we had. I truly think there should be a Great Wall training course on a treadmill because it was rough. Our group made it to the top and enjoyed every minute of the view and I can't believe how much work went into that wall. It was so nest to reflect on the fact that they had no technology and they truly built that wall to. Protect their people.Forbidden City- My favorite Disney movie is Mulan and once I arrived at the forbidden city I thought to myself that my whole life has been a lie because that movie doesn't even grasp how big the the Forbidden City actually is. The forbidden city is absolutely gorgeous and nothing short of impressive of the architecture and artwork gone into every single detail of these places. At the forbidden city my favorite part was the gorgeous garden that was within the walls of the city and it contained the only trees within that area. GORGEOU

First day

Where to begin I guess it's day five and already I have had so many crazy things. The people here are exquisite and just absolutely the most kind hearted people ever. They are so funny,  since we are doing so many things with the TUT university here there are several students we see all day long and have become rather good friends with them. What's funny is that their "English name" changes every time we meet them. They chose names that they think are cool and famous in the US like yesterday we met a guy who wanted to be called neyo bc he thought the rapper would be someone the ladies really liked.  Let me tell you about Candice- Candice is probably the sweetest girl I've met here and literally if we spoke the same language I think we'd be best friends. Lol but when I think about Candice my stomach literally aches. She is so set on completely showing me her culture that at every meal she loads my plate for me by bringing me extra servings of stuff that I never wanted or needed. Since in China I have yet to have one thing that I found relatively good and well Candice she hasn't had anything she doesn't like and feels like I should feel like her. The city here is crazy and people live on top of one another drive down the road and I guarantee you will see bras and undies hanging from every window.Our hotel is this lovely international hotel and well it seemed rather nice until I was showering and all of a sudden my feet were covered in yellow waste and sewer water coming out of the drain... Talk about being 5 inches in someone else's waste water. Yuck . So when I used all of my towels to some what clean up the mess I had the pleasure of getting To go do an interpretive dance for the front desk people trying to sign the phrase I need a towel. Apparently pretending to scrub your hair and arm pits only gets you a bag of Kleenex 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Confusion- it's mutual

First day- Confusion it's mutual

Well what would you know that our very first flight was right on time .NOT.  Let me explain my itinerary or should I say our itinerary to our latest adventure!

Depart LR Airport @ 4:55 headed to Houston international
Depart Houston @7:30 headed towards LAX
4 hour layover depart LAX @ 12:20 am headed towards Seoul 
Arrive I'm Seoul 14 hours later
3 hour layover then four hour flight to tienjien

As you can see our flight has some pretty easy following times well... It's not that easy if you see a huge red DELAYED sign. Much to our dismay we started out with 4 boarding passes and finished the day with like 9. Yes 9, we definitely have great customer service skills and bargaining skills with airport workers. I'd say that's my first takeaway of this whole trip- just nod and shake your head top to bottom then left to right when being spoken to in another language. That way the person you are talking to is equally confused! Trust me it helps with all other chaos.

Whoever invented this thing called United Airlines really should take notes from Asiana Airlines.. 

1.) Non stop drink services (unlimited bathroom breaks) 
2.) Somewhat decent food  raw fish baby!
3.) Free Slippers - such a high quality I'm sure I can sell mine on ebay (;
4.) 23 movie choices- heck yeah I'm totally all caught up on the hobbit, oz, life of pi, warm bodies, and well lucky me some Mark Whalberg movie and I am okay with that(;

Upon arrival at the LAX international terminal that was my first true culture shock and I don't mean by the crazy array of LA weirdos...  Once you step inside that terminal all hopes of communicating properly goes out the window! Let the confusion begin right? Tell me about it... Speak to me in Celsius, kilometers, Chinese or Korea and I got nothing for you but a dear in headlights stare and possibly a say what?!?  It's great to be me, at least they like my smile.

I met this girl named Joslyn on my flight and she was headed to Tawainn but her and I talked our whole three hour flight she gave me some great tips! The two biggest were ABSOLUTELY under no circumstances use a restaurant's silverware in Beijing.  Unless you have a killer immune system. And second, never buy bottle water from street vendors especially if it is frozen, she said the frozen water hides the used straws. Backwash and teeth of previous users...... Yeah buddy. Little extra plaque never hurt anybody!

The people are already so friendly and I haven't even arrived in Korea yet... That could be because my impression is the nice stewardess who work to please.  But I do expect they will be very friendly when we arrive. 

Biggest Horror Story of the trip Flight 70XX on United Airlines was the male steward dude thing... Lets just say he was about 40 with awfully dyed red hair that was parted smack down the center with curls (made with an iron I'm sure) right above his ears. Like a ginger George Washington.  But that's not the worst part he had bats in the cave and I heard multiple people say they refused to get a complimentary drink because they were scared it would fall into their drink.haha. 

Well my free drink lady is coming back around so I gotta go before I miss out on my 8th round of orange juice. Building up the calcium(;

Toddles! Leave comments

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow! Is only a day away:(

Well ladies and gentlemen it is 26 hours until my big adventure! My excitmenet has yet to kick in over my fear and nerves. Packing has been the biggest part of this adventure so far!  This is definitely my first vacation where I have to pack my own toilet paper!

I am no expert packer butttt I do know how to be prepared lol some of my favorite items I have found to take include:

Bath and body works hand sanitizer purse clip

Tide Pods for easy packing for laundry

Lysol individial spray

Now I know in Seoul and Beijing it isn't as say filthy as other foreign countries however I just would rather be safe than sorry. I get tummy bugs easy and I'd rather not catch any foreign parasites!

Thursday, May 9, 2013


Ya know those times where your like wanting to go to bed crying and wake up crying.....yeah that's finals week.  I have never been a study bug but this semester I've been rather studious. Whoever said studying helps obviously never studied.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Who I was, Who I am, and Who I'll be

I can't even find a name for the title of this post and the proper way to explain my inspiration for this blog and the importance I am placing on it for my future and my personal growth in the gospel. I find it important to share with those close to me the reasons why I chose not to go on a mission. It is still something I get asked everyday.

 As a young child I was raised in The Church of Jesus Christ of Later-Day Saints as a Mormon. Growing being a Mormon was never an easy or a walk on the clouds for me pushing through being judged, ridiculed and teased quite often. Although, my life as a Mormon may not always been easy it was and still is the perfect way to live my life and the foundation of my happiness.

The gospel of Jesus Christ is such a key element in who I am today and what I have become in my early adult years. As a kid I knew the gospel was true from the get go and never had a doubt in my mind of the gospel  and the truth of it. I wanted to serve a young mission at a very young age not only for myself, but also  for my family and most importantly for my Heavenly Father and my Savior Jesus Christ. A mission to me was all I focused on growing up in the gospel and my desire to learn and study to prepare myself for a mission. I constantly found myself telling all the people I met I am going on a mission not getting married. And I did this on a constant basis just to remind myself of where I was going.

When adulthood rolled around for me and the magic age of 21 was rolling around, I had been in a relationship with a boy for a few years.. a rather cute boy at that. And we had a good incredible relationship other then the few here and there disagreements we had with one another about my choice to leave for a year and a half for a mission. I knew that I wasn't going to stay home from my mission for just some silly boy. HOWEVER; This boy was different though and through our entire relationship he knew that my mission was what I wanted to do and constantly guided me and reminded me that I should always follow my heart and do what I know what was right for myself. That cute boy kept me laughing and had me looking towards the future in ways that I didn't even know were possible. Remember your talking to the girl who wants zeroo kids and not to be married.. yeah right thats changed now. This cute boy was the type of guy that was serious when he needed, but without a moments notice he would flip me over his shoulder and we would wrestle for hours. This boy was the boy I never truly appreciated enough for little did I know what I wanted in the future with him.

That cute boy and I broke up because I was in a constant battle with my heart, mind and my testimony of where I should be at in the gospel and well quite frankly I was in a deep dark hole for a few good months. My bedtime prayers soon became deep tear filled pleas to my Heavenly Father asking him what he would have me do.

During this dark time of my life and the previous years before I had been a full-time student and being a successful one at that maintaining to keep my scholarship and in fact I am graduating a whole year early.. and for those who know me know that is an accomplish because every morning I walk out my door saying "Today is the day I drop out." Well three years later I still haven't dropped out and I am still in school graduating in December. With all the college scene comes the Young Single Adult activities and that fun stuff... our stake is lacking that and I was just about as inactive to those activities as a person could be. I couldn't have been a worse YSA member at the time and know that my life was not on track with the progress of my fellow peers other then the incredible group of church friends I have that hang out on a regular basis and grow from each of their amazing examples...

Now as I continued to pray and study about what my decision was going to be as my parents anxiously awaited to hear that, "I was going to go on my mission." I began to feel other promptings and feelings from the holy ghost maybe in a sense guiding me the other way. I soon felt impressed to participate and get to know some more of our YSA and also to focus on school and my future of building an eternal family with that cute boy of mine that I let go. I felt so alone at times that it often just felt like I had no one to run to. On one side of shoulder I had little people saying go on a mission the Lord will bless you and on the other shoulder I had little voices saying get married it is just so fun!! And all I really wanted to do was to be able to make a decision for myself and for my timing.

"Faith in God is Faith in His Timing"

Lo' and behold it is now May and I am still here in Arkansas because I have chosen not to serve a mission at this point and time in my life.I have been 21 for several months and it does feel a little weird that I am not awaiting a mission call or already out teaching people the gospel. I stayed home to fulfill what the Lord has in store for me and my life at this time I plan to graduate with a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration in December. I am now currently serving as the YSA rep in the Fort Smith Stake and from this calling I have in a sense have been assigned a missionary zone and get to help bring the members of my home area to the gospel. I also strive to continue and maintain a healthy relationship with that cute boy from months ago and can't wait to see where my life take me on my next journey.

I can't express to you now that it is all over how silly I feel forever thinking that I was every really truly alone. I know that my Heavenly Father is constantly with me no matter how alone I felt at that time.

I am now in a difficult place in my life battling to find where my place in life is or where I am headed. With all of the confusion and darkness in my life I have never been more confused with who I am and who I'm supposed to be. I know that I have become a little bit more angry and unhappy lately then I ever have been in my life and I truly want to change that. I want to find the exact purpose that I have here on earth and I want everyone to know that I still have a love for the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

My family has been supportive with my decision and they too are now excited for the upcoming events that will happen in my future. I can't tell you enough how dark of a place I have been in with my life and testimony and feeling like there was no one. I testify to each and everyone of you that we are not alone.

I truly have learned several things in the past few months:

1.)  My answer to stay home from my mission was clear as day for the three reasons above, and I need to rely solely on my faith in order to believe that and have faith in the future.

2.) Every individual has their free agency to make or break their future and their decisions, and it is key for us as individuals to put on our eternal prospective goggles why looking at what makes us happy. I know that's what I strive for. I believe i made the decision that was best for my future.

3.) We never are alone.

4.) Patience. Not even close to perfect on this one. still learning to act on this one, but I have learned that it is very important in the growth and sustaining of any relationships.

5.) Expectations of people, places, and thing really can dampen any situation. It is so important to go in any situation with open eyes expecting to be loved, hurt, changed or moved.

6.) Let your loved ones find their own happiness. Something I have really struggled with lately is not being the one to make the most important people in my life happy. Their smiles, laughs, and well- being is really all that every ounce of my worry has been for.

7.) Let the people in your life know how important they are and how much you truly care for them because you never know at a moments notice when you won't have the opportunity to lift them up.

8.) Be there person people want to have in their lives.

9.) Strive to be a better friend

10.) Never lose sight of your testimony.
 I can't let go of my faith. And I must stay strong and hope that I become the individual I once was. I want to to be the best I can and never allow my fear or saddness get in the way of what is to come in my future.Only time will tell what is meant to be in this little ole life i live.