Monday, November 17, 2014

First Birthdayin the mish and One Month Down!! (posted late)

Well 1 month down in the actual mission field and I am loving it!
Santaquin is wonderful and such a small town i feel right at home. My
companion Hermana Santos is wonderful, and I couldn't have asked for a
better trainer to whip me into UPM Missionary condition!

So I've definitely learned so much in just this one month i can't
imagine what the next 16 months have in store for me! I love the
people here, and I love that they tend to laugh at my lack of spanish
knowledge then look at me like I'm a straight up idiot... Which
happens a lot to. But hey you serve and you learn(;

So I know I've been a total slacker at writing on my blog but that
stops today, and I for now on will update my blog weekly or at least
every two weeks! I have learned a lot about goal setting abd how awful
I am at making certain things happen.. Like writing in my journal for
instance. (Sorry future kids and self i'll try and get better)

I love the gospel of Jesus Christ and how it truly has something for
every person in this workd going through anything. We have a man we
teach 2x a week who is a recent convert, amd he just glows every time
he reads El Libro De Mormon. Every time i see this man I think to
myself why don't we all have this same glow on our faces? I think
often it's because we forget this gospel is literally a precious gift
from our Heavenly Father and our Savior. To this gentleman the gospel
is a gift that to him is EVERYTHING. Literally. This man knows

exactly how the gospel has changed his life because it came so re-
cently to him. I challenge each of you to truly focus on how this 
gospel makes us who we are each day, and don't let a day go by 
that we don't smile and thank our Heavenly Father for it each day
that we live.  exactly how the gospel has changed his life because it came so re-
cently to him. I challenge each of you to truly focus on how this 
gospel makes us who we are each day, and don't let a day go by 
that we don't smile and thank our Heavenly Father for it each day
that we live.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Because I have been given much, I too must give.

Hello All of my Loved Ones!

Week 1 in Good ole Santaquin Utah has officially come to an end and here I sit writing a blog entry to tell you all of my fun and exciting stories, but instead for this post I just wanted to share some really cool perks of being called to serve in the Provo Utah Mission.

1.) We are allowed to go to the temple quarterly. We are also allowed to go to the temple with our recent converts as often as we can get them to go. This includes going to any of the Utah Temples except for the Salt Lake City Temple. We are however allowed to go to the SLC if a family in our area is being sealed. Way Sweet Right?!

2.) We get to attend General Conference twice during our missions. So family start planning your General Conference trip now(: Just kidding.. I think. ha

3.) In May my brother will be leaving for his mission. That is exciting, but here is the really exciting part. If he is called to the Provo Utah Mission I am allowed to go and to be there with him as he enters the MTC. I could also go through the temple with him and MY FAMILY for his endownments if they chose to wait until he comes to Utah for those. What a blessing. literally. 

4.) I get to eat wonderful Mexican Food. This week we had green chili, tamales and so many other yummy things.

5.) The winter is cold. That would go on my list of bad things.. but as a missionary I will find the positive in every situation. 

I love this area. I love these people. Although I may not understand exactly what they are saying 80% of the time, I am still able to communicate with them through the universal language of the spirit. I love the gospel of Jesus Christ. How thankful I am to have been raised on a family foundation that was centered on Christ. I am excited to go throughout this area spreading the knowledge I have that families are forever. 

Love you all,

Hermana Johansen

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Closet of a Future Missionary

Okay so you know those skirts and shirts you've always thought were plenty conservative and decent?! Yep get ready for it.. Throw them away!

There is no time for tugging your skirt down, pulling your tank top up, and all the other things us girls do on a daily basis to make us modest. Or as a lady with bronchitis said.. "Ain't nobody go time for that."

Throw out the tank tops and bring in the crew cut solid tees for layering purposes.
And those high heels shoes you love.. Box em up! You'll see those babies again in 18 months!

I being the super cutesy clothing person that I am have struggled with the transition into calf length skirts and no fitted skirts. But guess what!!! I have done it and all on a budget(:  

The 3 outfits below were soooo cheap! But full of quality..

Let me let you in on a little secret. I NEVER buy anything FULL price.. That is just tossing extra money out the window I could use for another clearance item!!

So how'd I buy a whole new wardrobe you ask?? On a budget. One word. Clearance.


Yes, that rack that many people think is just for clothes that are out of season or too ugly to be sold. FALSE.
So my very first missionary purchase was 8 cardigans from target! Price of each a whopping....drum roll please....$5.44 cents! So that was a steal!

Second huge find! 8 shirts for $50.00?! Um yes. Not to mention two of those were denim button ups for $4 each.. So I'm telling ya there's a way!!

Okay so I know you don't wanna hear all of my bills but let me show you three outfits that each were under $20

(Photo credit: Mau Loa Photography- Fort Smith, Arkansas)

Outfit 1-
Coral Skirt and Seafoam Green top!
Skirt- $5.27 (Dollar General).. It was $5 don't judge I'll be honest I was embarassed to be buying clothing here.. then I tried it on and I was like I am in LOVE.
Top- $10.00 (Crane Clothing, bought from a friend NWT)
Belt- $.50 (Wet Seal)
Grand total! = $15.77

Outfit 2-
Polka dot blouse and Maroon Skirt!
Skirt- $4.99 (Walls)
Top- $7.99
Cardigan- $5.00 (Charlotte Russe)
Belt-$.50 (Wet Seal)
Grand Total- $18.48

Outfit 3-
Denim Blouse- $4.00 (old
Black Maxi - $8.00 (forever 21)
Grand Total - $12.00!!

So yes I love a good deal. I've shopped stores I have never shopped for clothes before. But hey! It works. Without breaking the bank. And my leopard Sperrys pictured in all the outfits were $32.00! How amazing.

A sale is good. Clearance is great, but the gospel of Jesus Christ is the absolutle best. I can not wait to serve!! 20 days(: say whaaaaaa!!!

Photo Credit: Mau Loa Photography!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

44 days where did my time go?!

My goodness gracious it was only 7 weeks ago I was saying oh my gosh I have to wait 3 months before I leave! I questioned if the General Presidency of the church was trying to test my patience. Haha just kidding, I was just really ready to go because when I knew I was going to serve I KNEW. So why must one wait 3 months? Well let me tell you the Lord knows me oh so well and I love him and this gospel more and more.
This morning I woke up and since it's my little sister's birthday I was like oh it's July 6th... Then it sunk in and I was like wait what?! That means I only have 44 days to be just the ordinary Kimber Jo that I am! My mind was blown as I walked to each of my siblings and said did you know I only had 44 days left, their facial expressions seemed to match mine...where has the time gone?!
Utah is sounding better and better as time goes on and it in a way already feels like my new home. Obviously it will never be home where my family will be, but I'm ready to meet my mission family. I love my life here and I will be just as excited to return home to my life here when it is my time to be back in Arkansas!
My packing list is pretty small... Or so I think.. My mom thinks 15 scarves is 14 too many.. What does she know she doesn't wear scarves!! (: (love you mom)
How many skirts should I bring? How many shoes? How many shirts? All questions running through my mind along with what if I don't pick up spanish quickly??! Out of all these questions I have the one I have that is most profound is how am I going to deal with the the goodbyes at the airport. I know that my family will be taken care of and blessed while I'm away, but I will miss the laughs, the wrestling and all other crazy things my family do on a regular basis. I love them. I love all of my loved ones. It'll be 3.5 years before I see my brother again. I love my Lil bro he's my Bestie. I know this goodbye is possible through my testimony of this gospel that it is the true church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and I know as I put all faith in my father in heaven he will prepare a way.
I love this gospel.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Utah Provo Mission.. Say What?!

So you know when you are preparing to go on a mission and everyone tells you that you are gonna go where you least want to go?! Yeah..lettme tell ya! They speak truth!!

So I first wanna apologize for not telling everyone I decided to serve a mission. It was a personal decision between myself and my Heavenly Father. My decision and mission process was fast and easy since I had my papers filled out a year and a half ago when I first turned 21! So I want you know keeping it in was a very hard  secret to keep and I watched just about every single mission call to ever be posted on YouTube.. Pathetic I know but I'd just sit and practice my reaction.. Okay not really but just watching the people suddenly be consumed in excitement just made me so happy!! And somehow this got me through not spilling the beans to too many people.

So, the call came and I had to wait 8 hours!! That call was in my posession for 8 hours it just sat there and finally I hid it under a pillow so I wasn't tempted to peak. My oldest sister Casey wouldn't be off work until later to Skype...drats!!

At 5:30, my family gathered together joined by my boyfriend and his parents and my sister and her hubby via Skype from Iowa! Here it was the moment I've been dreaming about since I was a little girl.  I opened my call and started reading... I took it one line at a time and there it was! I saw the words Utah Provo Mission???!!! Say what! I let out a laugh and a smile and said Utah a hundred times. I continued reading to learn I'd be reporting to the Mexico MTC and would be speaking Spanish! Best of both worlds yeah?

I immediately knew Utah was where I was meant to serve and I was genuinely excited and happy to serve there. Now let's be honest what individual doesn't wanna go foreign and see the world? Well ladies and gentleman it's not a vacation and the gospel is needed just as much in Provo Utah as it is in Zimbabwe or Antarctica! Lol so it was almost a sigh of relief when I realized I'd be serving in the safest country ever!!

The immediate reasons that went through my head about why I was excited to serve in Utah?!

1.) I'd be safe.. My parents wouldn't have to worry about the dangers of a foreign country!

2.) US Postal service!! Woo! 2-3 days for mail. I'll take it any day!

3.) Indoor plumbing?! Um yes no peeing in a hole in the ground for me.

4.) The Mormon world is small and in Utah it's even smaller. I am bound to run into someone I know eventually.

5.) Instant snowboarding and skiing connections for when I get home(;

6.) Missionaries gain weight in they must be taken care of. My workout routine is already in progress.

7.) The church is true even in Utah and people are lacking the gospel everywhere.

8.) I've always hated Utah (sorry) but its true I am not a fan of it.. So I am beyond thankful for the chance to serve and love the saints in Utah.

9.) I'll be back out west... Serving Latin families.. Real Mexican food. Yes please!!

10.) All I know how to ask in Spanish is,

"are you single?".. I'm excited to expand my Spanish..

11.) Most importantly a mission is not a vacation or a chance to get a plane ticket to another country and to explore.. Yes going foreign has perks, but a mission if served faithfully and with every ounce of diligence in a person a person can grow into an extrodinary tool in the lords work even in Utah.

12.) 3 Temples are in my area that I know of.. Could be more(;

So if you happen to get called to the states.. Trust me it is just as exciting and has it's pros just like going foreign.

Now.. Let the shopping begin.. Skirts.. Winter clothes.. Yes please.
