Monday, October 6, 2014

Because I have been given much, I too must give.

Hello All of my Loved Ones!

Week 1 in Good ole Santaquin Utah has officially come to an end and here I sit writing a blog entry to tell you all of my fun and exciting stories, but instead for this post I just wanted to share some really cool perks of being called to serve in the Provo Utah Mission.

1.) We are allowed to go to the temple quarterly. We are also allowed to go to the temple with our recent converts as often as we can get them to go. This includes going to any of the Utah Temples except for the Salt Lake City Temple. We are however allowed to go to the SLC if a family in our area is being sealed. Way Sweet Right?!

2.) We get to attend General Conference twice during our missions. So family start planning your General Conference trip now(: Just kidding.. I think. ha

3.) In May my brother will be leaving for his mission. That is exciting, but here is the really exciting part. If he is called to the Provo Utah Mission I am allowed to go and to be there with him as he enters the MTC. I could also go through the temple with him and MY FAMILY for his endownments if they chose to wait until he comes to Utah for those. What a blessing. literally. 

4.) I get to eat wonderful Mexican Food. This week we had green chili, tamales and so many other yummy things.

5.) The winter is cold. That would go on my list of bad things.. but as a missionary I will find the positive in every situation. 

I love this area. I love these people. Although I may not understand exactly what they are saying 80% of the time, I am still able to communicate with them through the universal language of the spirit. I love the gospel of Jesus Christ. How thankful I am to have been raised on a family foundation that was centered on Christ. I am excited to go throughout this area spreading the knowledge I have that families are forever. 

Love you all,

Hermana Johansen

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