Sunday, April 7, 2013

The origin of our smile

Let's talk smiles and happiness... Genuine Smiles and Happiness.

At least once a day we see our reflection whether it is in a mirror, a window or looking down into some water. When we look at ourselves do we find ourselves being happy with who we see? We are on a constant train ride of change and progression in our lives and each scenario day to day molds and shapes us to who we are now and who are to become. 

Often we found ourselves doubting who we are and if we are doing a good enough job being ourselves and fulfilling our roles in life. 
Next time you see your reflection look at your smile (remember- a genuine smile) and think to yourself where does that smile come from?

My smile comes from several different sources:
My parents- I have been raised by two incredible people who I know have led be to know that the true meaning of happiness is not wealth, material things or big toys, They have taught me that it is simply the bonds within family, friends, and life moments.
My friends- Friends can come from any where and do just about any thing. My friends well we kinda just role with the punches and always have each others back and support one another through all obstacles of life. It is nice to have those friends that you don't have to talk on a regular basis, but know in the end that they are truer then a lot of friends ever could be. I don't know too many group of friends who are such odd balls as us.
My  faith-I believe that our faith is more then just our gospel beliefs or scriptural doctrine it also includes the principles you learn such as: faith, divine, nature, integrity, individual worth, knowledge, choice and accountability, good works and integrity.
My attitude- Life is so worth living and there are so many things that are worth experiencing. Go try new things I promise it is worth it. Be adventurous. Don't be afraid of change. Admit Mistakes. Be the bigger person. No one is perfect.  

One thing that breaks my heart in the world that I see so often is mothers and fathers who are truly trying their best to provide a home for their children and being discouraged because maybe their house isn't as clean as everyone of their friends is. Ever feel discouraged because your life isn't as neat on paper as the person next to you? Does the fact that your co-workers life seems so perfect and easy stress you out and get you thinking that your doing something right?  Well that isn't always the right way to look at things.

One thing that I have realized that I feel is so important is that just because people seem to have the world handed to them, they have clean perfect kids or maybe they just don't seem to have conflict I assure you that these people do have conflicts. Happiness isn't a matter of your level of performance of life and your responsibilities it is the ability to bask in the enjoyment of life in what you have and where you are.Enjoy the time with your friends, kids, and people around you in a sense that you are not trying to impress others. Always keep improving yourself, but remember that you can be happy in your state of being now.

 If there is something that you are doing in life now that is keeping your from being happy within the simplest aspects of your life I advise you to change it.

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