Monday, April 15, 2013

Kansas City.. it's beginning to look a lot like home.

Okay! So here is the deal.. My sister met this boy (adam) and well he lives in Iowa.. and well what do you know they fell in love and all that mushy stuff and are now engaged to be married June 7th in Illionois! Woo Kimber JO world traveler coming soon to a theater near you:) . Anywho.. along with their engagement I have had the awesome experience of getting to go back to my favorite place ever!! KANSAS CITY. Now now don't go thinking um does she live under a rock? There is nothing in Kansas City.. but really there is trust me!

Kansas City- Eek! I am so excited about this place!! in the past two months I have had the pleasure of getting to spend 6 days around and about touring KC. When my family goes on a trip it shouldn't really be a vacation so much as it is an exploration or adventure! My family makes sure we see all that there is! lol Ask any friend who has been on a trip with us how sore their feet are at the end of the night!

Kansas City to me could be described as one big melting pot of eclectic architecture and people... And let me tell you I have been inspired!

A few of my favorites from my adventures:

 This is me and the bride-to-be my gorgeous sister Casey and my little goofball of a sister Al
 Agh! The possibilites are endless in large grocery stores like KC has to offer for us Gluten-Free aka celiacs.. and I can't tell you how excited it is for me to find such a large collection. Although, with such selection comes some taste testing... some gluten things taste toooo...uhh Health Store-ish. like that odd smell that makes your nostrils twitch when you walk in?

 Antique shops GALORE. And these aren't like antique shops you find in every town these are very high-end with good quality and antiques that can be used and are ORIGINAL. I went into this one and it was basically the most legit old shop ever. Let's just say that the holes in the floors were patched with license plates and the entire ceiling was all vintage lighting. IN LOVE.

This is one of my favorite pieces.. no idea why but I have literally always wanted a vintage one! I cannot tell you how excited I was to find this one and the condition of it. I think that old fashion pieces like this make for great room fillers.
(ignore fact i am having a brain fart and forgot what this is called)

 There are about 5 vendors that are fresh spices straight from countries that I cannot even pronounce!! And they smell amazing(: My family tends to pick 3 out that we have never used and create masterpieces or disasters when we get home!
Produce! This is the very end of the market at the end of the day when we went there was very few people. There is about 2 miles of produce just in circles along with crazy amazing restaurants from every nationality and they are all authentic. Yesterday the produce was swamped with about 800 people! Crazy amazing.

One last thing which i didn't take a photo of is their incredible unique housing developments downtown. So shabby and chique!

When I left KC this weekend I decided that I was meant to be a someone who just goes with the flow kinda like the people there and that can make a statement. If anyone is up for a road trip to see the greatness in KC just holler(:


  1. I'm hollerin! Hehe. I really can't wait to go!

  2. Eek! I know! Trust me girl you will be in HEAVEN. Just plan to spend at least a full day down town!
