Monday, November 17, 2014

First Birthdayin the mish and One Month Down!! (posted late)

Well 1 month down in the actual mission field and I am loving it!
Santaquin is wonderful and such a small town i feel right at home. My
companion Hermana Santos is wonderful, and I couldn't have asked for a
better trainer to whip me into UPM Missionary condition!

So I've definitely learned so much in just this one month i can't
imagine what the next 16 months have in store for me! I love the
people here, and I love that they tend to laugh at my lack of spanish
knowledge then look at me like I'm a straight up idiot... Which
happens a lot to. But hey you serve and you learn(;

So I know I've been a total slacker at writing on my blog but that
stops today, and I for now on will update my blog weekly or at least
every two weeks! I have learned a lot about goal setting abd how awful
I am at making certain things happen.. Like writing in my journal for
instance. (Sorry future kids and self i'll try and get better)

I love the gospel of Jesus Christ and how it truly has something for
every person in this workd going through anything. We have a man we
teach 2x a week who is a recent convert, amd he just glows every time
he reads El Libro De Mormon. Every time i see this man I think to
myself why don't we all have this same glow on our faces? I think
often it's because we forget this gospel is literally a precious gift
from our Heavenly Father and our Savior. To this gentleman the gospel
is a gift that to him is EVERYTHING. Literally. This man knows

exactly how the gospel has changed his life because it came so re-
cently to him. I challenge each of you to truly focus on how this 
gospel makes us who we are each day, and don't let a day go by 
that we don't smile and thank our Heavenly Father for it each day
that we live.  exactly how the gospel has changed his life because it came so re-
cently to him. I challenge each of you to truly focus on how this 
gospel makes us who we are each day, and don't let a day go by 
that we don't smile and thank our Heavenly Father for it each day
that we live.