Thursday, June 5, 2014

Utah Provo Mission.. Say What?!

So you know when you are preparing to go on a mission and everyone tells you that you are gonna go where you least want to go?! Yeah..lettme tell ya! They speak truth!!

So I first wanna apologize for not telling everyone I decided to serve a mission. It was a personal decision between myself and my Heavenly Father. My decision and mission process was fast and easy since I had my papers filled out a year and a half ago when I first turned 21! So I want you know keeping it in was a very hard  secret to keep and I watched just about every single mission call to ever be posted on YouTube.. Pathetic I know but I'd just sit and practice my reaction.. Okay not really but just watching the people suddenly be consumed in excitement just made me so happy!! And somehow this got me through not spilling the beans to too many people.

So, the call came and I had to wait 8 hours!! That call was in my posession for 8 hours it just sat there and finally I hid it under a pillow so I wasn't tempted to peak. My oldest sister Casey wouldn't be off work until later to Skype...drats!!

At 5:30, my family gathered together joined by my boyfriend and his parents and my sister and her hubby via Skype from Iowa! Here it was the moment I've been dreaming about since I was a little girl.  I opened my call and started reading... I took it one line at a time and there it was! I saw the words Utah Provo Mission???!!! Say what! I let out a laugh and a smile and said Utah a hundred times. I continued reading to learn I'd be reporting to the Mexico MTC and would be speaking Spanish! Best of both worlds yeah?

I immediately knew Utah was where I was meant to serve and I was genuinely excited and happy to serve there. Now let's be honest what individual doesn't wanna go foreign and see the world? Well ladies and gentleman it's not a vacation and the gospel is needed just as much in Provo Utah as it is in Zimbabwe or Antarctica! Lol so it was almost a sigh of relief when I realized I'd be serving in the safest country ever!!

The immediate reasons that went through my head about why I was excited to serve in Utah?!

1.) I'd be safe.. My parents wouldn't have to worry about the dangers of a foreign country!

2.) US Postal service!! Woo! 2-3 days for mail. I'll take it any day!

3.) Indoor plumbing?! Um yes no peeing in a hole in the ground for me.

4.) The Mormon world is small and in Utah it's even smaller. I am bound to run into someone I know eventually.

5.) Instant snowboarding and skiing connections for when I get home(;

6.) Missionaries gain weight in they must be taken care of. My workout routine is already in progress.

7.) The church is true even in Utah and people are lacking the gospel everywhere.

8.) I've always hated Utah (sorry) but its true I am not a fan of it.. So I am beyond thankful for the chance to serve and love the saints in Utah.

9.) I'll be back out west... Serving Latin families.. Real Mexican food. Yes please!!

10.) All I know how to ask in Spanish is,

"are you single?".. I'm excited to expand my Spanish..

11.) Most importantly a mission is not a vacation or a chance to get a plane ticket to another country and to explore.. Yes going foreign has perks, but a mission if served faithfully and with every ounce of diligence in a person a person can grow into an extrodinary tool in the lords work even in Utah.

12.) 3 Temples are in my area that I know of.. Could be more(;

So if you happen to get called to the states.. Trust me it is just as exciting and has it's pros just like going foreign.

Now.. Let the shopping begin.. Skirts.. Winter clothes.. Yes please.
